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The Second Curve Network Secretary
Sharon Leader
T: 07753135675

Second Curve


The Second Curve Network consists of like-minded individuals who are willing to connect their leadership and resources to projects that make a difference – it is not an organisation. The role of the network is collaborative and it works with employers and third sector partners. It never operates solely on its own. The Network will use its expertise and experience to connect best practice and also recommend new members.

The Network and its projects are drawn together by a Steering Group chaired by The Second Curve Network’s Vice-Chair, Jeff Hayes, and a small core team of experienced practitioners, who will develop the direction of The Second Curve Network and provide scrutiny where needed.

The Mechanics

The Second Curve Network

Driven by Chair Chris Reeve and Vice-Chairs Barry Murphy, Jeff Hayes and Sir Stephen O’Brien

Network Lead

Joseph Lyons, seconded part-time from his current CEO role at West Ham United Foundation

Network Members

Providing strategic orientation and supporting the recruitment of new members


Contributing to the definition of network activities and priorities, as well as outputs

Steering Group

Made up of Network members, helping to direct and scrutinise The Second Curve Network


Developing The Second Curve Network as an effective group of leaders, mainly from the business sector, to deliver programmes that will promote social cohesion throughout the UK and to build trust in business. 

It's an opportunity to collectively use our assets, resources and support to make a difference which not only positively showcases our business and our leadership but also sustains and progresses business.

Second Curve Network Member